MatruShakti SCH (Senior Citizen's Home) Organization is a legally registered Non-Governmental, on-political, on-profitable, on-religious, philanthropic & charitable organization for upholding Human Rights and providing legal assistance to the needy and under-privileged, vulnerable poorest of the poor, disadvantaged persons with disability towards their education and livelihood, destitute women and children, prejudiced old, indigent, orphans, religious minorities, widows and socially backward communities etc. The organization also actively works on improving people’s access to justice and freedom through increased respect for their civil and political rights. The organization also aims to help the Administration to control crime in the local neighborhood society
Our Vision to contribute to the building of a society in which people are encouraged and enabled to age productively and with dignity.
Our mission is to work towards developing and implementing activities that enhance productive aging
Goal poverty and poor health standards by promoting and working through community and organizations: with a focus on enabling the marginalized and weaker sections of rural society.